lunes, 14 de noviembre de 2011

Oral Tradition Places


last week I arrived to an oral tradition place in which kids have fun and learn a lot. I went there to visit a friend who work in there, she told me she could told me some information about the place and how it works.

She have work in there for a year, For start working in there you must start attending some classes in which you learn many things about science. Then you must make an exam in which they grade your skills and knowledge. If you pass the exam you could start working in there it was a difficult exam so you must effort a lot. My friend worked with the small kids she must tell them some incredible stories about how the human progress since it was a monkey to what is now the human now a days. When she finished she make some questions and the kid who answer the question would get a big toy.

there kids learn a lot is a good opportunity to have fun and learn at the same time, also they gave snacks to the kids. so have a chance to visit this incredible place. I really hope you enjoy this big place in which time is never enough.

By: Erika Nishida Quijano

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