domingo, 4 de septiembre de 2011

Concierto para delinquir: el cartel del desparche

Last night i went to La Frontera restaurant  because they were presenting a musical stand up comedy comedy called ek cartel del desparche before the show started i ate some tacos because its a mexican restaurant, the show started at 10pm it was really late and i was really sleepy.One of the performers didnt show up so someone had to replace him.The show was about musicians writing funny songs using latinamerican genres like reggae,tango,vallenato,salsa and currulao at first it wasnt funny it seemed like an imitation of Le Luthier a really cheap one but then it became funny and i laugh a lot in my opinion its a good show really funny but it was too late so people were sleepy and they also need to improve the sound effects because they were really bad. So in my opinion if you cant stay up late  and want to laugh go and enjoy the show.

Article by: Alejandro Del Pino 

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