domingo, 11 de septiembre de 2011

Entertainment: Galerias

I went to Galerias a small mall.
I went there with my mom and we went to have lunch. when we arrived we went to 
Falabella because my mom wanted to buy some clothes when 
we were paying, I met a Falabella worker name Isabella she 
have work there for one year she said that working there is  tire because many people arrived to Galerias for buying in Falabella so she was always working but Galerias was a beautiful place but it was too small. 

Later I was searching for more information so I went to a store.In there I met Carlos he have work in there for one month and he told me he have work in there for a few time but he like a lot working in there because he had made a lot of friends, some of them were clients and other ones were people who work in there. He said that all were too gentle and good persons.He told me Galerias had many entertainment activities this month they were: September 23 to 30 was SEMANA CULTURAL Y ARTE, on september 17 was Maia concert etc.

As a conclusion Galerias is a good place for going to shopping or with some friend have fun I really enjoyed my day searching for information about  Galerias. Go to Galeria's mall is a interesting place I hope you have fun and enjoy a lot.
By: Erika Nishida

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